A trademark is a word, logo, phrase, or symbol that identifies and distinguishes your brand, goods, or services from those of others.It is an essential element of your brand’s identity, ensuring customers can recognize and trust your business.
What Does Trademark Registration Do?
Registering a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) gives you legal standingto prevent others from using your mark. It places the mark on the federal register, granting you exclusive rights to use it in connection with your goods or services.This protection allows you to prevent others from using a confusingly similar mark that could damage your brand. While you can own a trademark under common law (simply by using it in commerce), registering your trademark provides stronger legal protection. Without registration, the burden of proving infringement is much higher. It can also be harder to enforce your rights in court or against potential infringers.
The Benefits of Registering a Trademark
1. Legal Protection
Registration gives you the exclusive right to use the trademark nationwide. You can prevent others from using a similar mark that could confuse your customers or harm your brand’s reputation.
2. Infringement Risk Reduction
Conducting a trademark search before registration allows you to ensure your mark isn’t already in use. This prevents the risk of infringement and wasted investment in building your brand. If you do infringe on an existing trademark, you could face costly legal battles, have to rebrand, and pay damages.
3. Use of the ® Symbol
Once registered, you can use the ® symbol with your mark. This not only signals to others that your trademark is protected but can also act as a deterrent to potential infringers.
4. Federal Protection
A registered trademark gives you the ability to take legal action in federal court and enhances your ability to recover damages in case of infringement. It also makes it easier to register your trademark in other countries, extending protection globally.
5. Easier to License or Sell
A registered trademark can be licensed to others, allowing you to generate additional revenue by permitting others to use your mark under agreed terms.
How We Can Help At Ovron Law Group PLLC
we specialize in helping entrepreneurs and business owners navigate the trademark registration process. From conducting comprehensive trademark searches to filing your application and enforcing your rights, we provide you with the legal tools to protect your brand.
Ready to protect your brand?
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward securing your intellectual property.